Plants vs Zombies Fusion Edition introduces an exciting new mechanic to the classic game by allowing players to combine plants, creating powerful hybrids with unique abilities. This fusion system adds a new layer of strategy and creativity to the gameplay, offering numerous possibilities for defending your lawn against the zombie hordes.
All PVZ Fusion Plants
Plant Name | Description |
Charm Emperor Mushroom | Summons a powerful charmed zombie every 30 seconds to fight for you. |
Ultimate Cherry Peashooter | A powerful upgraded version of the Cherry Peashooter, dealing high damage to zombies. |
Ultimate Fire Pumpkin | Attacks zombies with fire and deals damage over time to burn them. |
Ultimate Cherry War God | An upgraded Cherry Peashooter variant, dealing substantial damage with multiple attacks. |
Ultimate Big Puff-shroom | Provides continuous damage to zombies with large spores. |
Sun Emperor | Generates sun for the player, serving as a highly efficient sun-producing plant. |
Dark Iron Spikeweed King | A durable Spikeweed plant that deals damage to zombies and is immune to being trampled. |
Ultimate Yangmei Emperor | Attacks zombies with multi-target capabilities and high area damage output. |
Laser Nanifua | Uses a laser beam to damage multiple zombies at once in a line. |
Bravery-Fume-shroom | Emits smoke to damage zombies over a wide area, providing crowd control. |
Frost Machine Gun Shroom | Shoots freezing projectiles that can slow down and freeze zombies. |
Ultimate Fume-Shroom | An upgraded Fume-Shroom that deals more damage and covers a larger area. |
Doom-Shroom Machine Gunner | Fires powerful explosions at zombies, causing heavy damage. |
Obsidian Tall-Nut | A highly durable wall plant with increased toughness, protecting other plants from zombies. |
Cherry Bomb | Explodes and deals massive damage to all zombies in a small area. |
Cherry Peashooter | Combines cherry explosions with regular pea-shooting abilities for versatile offense. |
Cherry Chomper | Chomps zombies and deals explosive damage upon consuming a target. |
Cherry Wall-Nut | Provides defensive capabilities with explosive retaliation upon taking significant damage. |
Chomper | Devours zombies whole, capable of handling larger threats in one bite. |
Dirt Wall-nut | A basic wall plant used to block zombies and protect more valuable plants. |
Doom Shroom | Causes a massive explosion, damaging all zombies in a large area. |
Doom-Gloom-shroom | Creates an explosion with an additional toxic cloud for prolonged damage. |
Explosive Hypno Mushroom | Charms and turns a zombie against its allies, exploding when defeated. |
Explosive Scaredy-Shroom | Shoots projectiles but cowers when zombies get too close, with a secondary explosion upon fleeing. |
Fire Lily | Shoots fireballs that can burn multiple zombies, dealing continuous damage over time. |
Fume-shroom | Emits gas clouds that penetrate screen doors and deal area damage. |
Giant Wall-nut | An extra-large version of the Wall-nut, offering superior defense. |
Gloom-Shroom | Releases clouds of toxic gas that affect nearby zombies, dealing consistent damage. |
Hypno-Courage Small Mushroom | Charms zombies to fight for the player when they get close. |
Hypno-Fume-shroom | Combines hypnosis and smoke attacks, charming and damaging zombies. |
Hypno-shroom | Charms a zombie to fight on your side, reversing their direction. |
Ice Catnip | Freezes zombies and slows down their movement with ice-based attacks. |
Ice Doom Shroom | Freezes all zombies on the screen with a massive explosion. |
Ice Hypno Mushroom | Freezes and charms zombies, making them fight for you while being slowed down. |
Ice Hypno-Shroom | Slows down zombies while charming them to attack other zombies. |
Ice Peashooter | Shoots frozen peas to slow down zombies and cause chilling damage. |
Ice Scaredy-Shroom | Fires ice-based projectiles that can freeze zombies while hiding when they get too close. |
Ice Shroomin | Emits a freezing wave that halts all zombie movement temporarily. |
Ice Spikerock | Spikes that deal damage to all zombies that step on them and slow them down. |
Ice Tall-Nut | A fortified wall plant that also slows down zombies that bite it. |
Ice-Fume-shroom | A Fume-Shroom that emits freezing gas to slow and damage zombies. |
Ice-shroom | Freezes all zombies on the screen, stopping their advance temporarily. |
Magic Catgirl | Uses magical attacks to hit all zombies on the field. |
Pea Chomper | Combines the abilities of a Peashooter and Chomper for versatile attacks. |
Pea Mine | Acts as a landmine that shoots peas before exploding on contact with zombies. |
Pea Nut | A hybrid plant that combines defense and offense by shooting peas while absorbing damage. |
Pea Puff-shroom | Fires small peas at zombies, providing offensive support. |
Pea Sunflower | Generates sun while also attacking zombies with pea projectiles. |
Peashooter | Basic offensive plant that shoots peas at approaching zombies, dealing consistent damage. |
Potato Mine Chomper | Acts like a Potato Mine but also devours zombies upon activation. |
Puff-shroom | A free, short-range mushroom that shoots spores at nearby zombies. |
Repeater | Shoots two peas at a time for increased offensive capability. |
Scaredy-Shroom | Fires spores from a distance but hides when zombies come too close. |
Shroom-Hypno | Charms a zombie upon consumption, turning it against other zombies. |
Spikeweed King | An upgraded Spikeweed that deals increased damage to zombies. |
Sun Bean Mine | Explodes upon contact with zombies and generates additional sun. |
Sun Bomb | Detonates with a powerful explosion that also generates sun. |
Sun Chomper | Combines sun generation with chomping capabilities for offense and support. |
Sun Nut | Provides sun generation while blocking zombies like a traditional Wall-Nut. |
Sun Shroom | Grows larger over time and produces more sun. |
Sunflower | The primary sun-producing plant, essential for generating resources. |
Surprise Box | Randomly spawns different plants or items when activated. |
Sword Immortal Starfruit | A powerful plant that launches swords at zombies, dealing massive damage. |
Tall-nut | A highly durable wall plant that blocks zombies effectively. |
Twin Sunflower | Produces double the amount of sun compared to a normal Sunflower. |
Wall-nut Chomper | Devours zombies that come too close while providing some defensive coverage. |
Wall-nut | Basic defensive plant that blocks zombies and absorbs damage. |
Wall-nut Shroom | Provides protection like a Wall-Nut but with additional offensive capabilities. |
Wheat | Transforms into a random plant every 30 seconds. |
Zombie Coffin | Releases a powerful zombie or item upon opening, typically summoned by players as a strategic move. |
How to Merge Plants
The hallmark of the Fusion Edition is the ability to combine plants to create powerful hybrids. This mechanic allows players to mix and match different plants, resulting in new entities that combine the strengths of their component parts. For example:
Pea Nut
A fusion of Peashooter and Wall-nut, offering both offensive and defensive capabilities.
Cherry Pea
Combines the explosive power of Cherry Bomb with the rapid-fire ability of Peashooter.
Chomp Bomb
Merges Chomper’s devouring ability with Cherry Bomb’s explosive nature.
Notable Hybrid Plants
Offensive Hybrids
Cherry Pea: Rapid-fire explosive peas.
Chomp Bomb: Devours zombies and explodes.
Pea Mine: Shoots peas and explodes when triggered.
Defensive Hybrids
Pea Nut: Shoots peas while providing a defensive barrier.
ChompNut: Blocks zombies and then devours them.
Cherry Nut: Withstands damage before exploding.
Multi-purpose Hybrids
Pea Sunflower: Generates sun while shooting peas.
Sun Nut: Produces sun and acts as a barrier.
Sun Mine: Generates sun and explodes when triggered.
How to Unlock Hybrid Plants?
It’s worth noting that in some versions of PvZ with hybrid plants, the combinations are numerous and can be unlocked through various methods. This adds an element of discovery and progression to the game, as players experiment with different combinations and unlock new hybrid plants as they advance.
Strategic Implications
All Original Plants in PVZ Fusion
Plant | Description | Unlocked | Sun Cost | Recharge |
Peashooter | Shoots peas at attacking zombies | Default | 100 | Normal |
Sunflower | Produces extra sun | Beat Level 1-1 | 50 | Normal |
Cherry Bomb | Explodes all zombies in an area | Beat Level 1-2 | 150 | Fast |
Wall-nut | Defensive plant with a hard shell | Beat Level 1-3 | 50 | Slow |
Potato Mine | Explodes on contact after arming | Beat Level 1-5 | 25 | Very Slow |
Snow Pea | Shoots frozen peas that slow zombies | Beat Level 1-6 | 175 | Normal |
Chomper | Devours zombies whole | Beat Level 1-7 | 150 | Normal |
Repeater | Shoots two peas at a time | Beat Level 1-8 | 200 | Normal |
Puff-shroom | Shoots short-range spores | Beat Level 2-1 | 0 | Fast |
Sun-shroom | Produces small, then normal sun | Beat Level 2-2 | 25 | Normal |
Fume-shroom | Shoots fumes through screen doors | Beat Level 2-3 | 75 | Normal |
Grave Buster | Removes graves | Beat Level 2-4 | 75 | Fast |
Hypno-shroom | Turns zombie to your side | Beat Level 2-5 | 75 | Normal |
Scaredy-shroom | Long-range shooter that hides | Beat Level 2-6 | 25 | Fast |
Ice-shroom | Freezes all zombies on screen | Beat Level 2-7 | 75 | Fast |
Doom-shroom | Massive damage, leaves crater | Beat Level 2-8 | 125 | Slow |
Lily Pad | Allows planting on water | Beat Level 3-1 | 25 | Fast |
Squash | Squashes zombies | Beat Level 3-2 | 50 | Fast |
Threepeater | Shoots peas in three lanes | Beat Level 3-3 | 325 | Normal |
Tangle Kelp | Pulls water zombies under | Beat Level 3-4 | 25 | Fast |
Jalapeno | Destroys all zombies in a lane | Beat Level 3-5 | 125 | Fast |
Spikeweed | Damages zombies that walk over it | Beat Level 3-6 | 100 | Normal |
Torchwood | Turns peas into fireballs | Beat Level 3-7 | 175 | Normal |
Tall-nut | Blocks high-jumping zombies | Beat Level 3-8 | 125 | Slow |
Sea-shroom | Shoots short-range spores in water | Beat Level 3-9 | 0 | Fast |
Plantern | Illuminates an area in fog | Beat Level 4-1 | 25 | Fast |
Cactus | Shoots spikes and pops balloons | Beat Level 4-2 | 125 | Normal |
Blover | Blows away fog and balloon zombies | Beat Level 4-3 | 100 | Fast |
Split Pea | Shoots forwards and backwards | Beat Level 4-5 | 125 | Normal |
Starfruit | Shoots stars in five directions | Beat Level 4-6 | 125 | Normal |
Pumpkin | Protects plants inside it | Beat Level 4-7 | 125 | Fast |
Magnet-shroom | Removes metal objects from zombies | Beat Level 4-8 | 100 | Normal |
Cabbage-pult | Lobs cabbages at zombies | Beat Level 4-9 | 100 | Normal |
Flower Pot | Allows planting on the roof | Beat Level 5-1 | 25 | Fast |
Kernel-pult | Lobs kernels and butter at zombies | Beat Level 5-2 | 100 | Normal |
Coffee Bean | Wakes up mushrooms during day | Beat Level 5-3 | 75 | Fast |
Garlic | Diverts zombies to other lanes | Beat Level 5-5 | 50 | Fast |
Umbrella Leaf | Deflects bungees and catapults | Beat Level 5-6 | 100 | Fast |
Marigold | Produces coins | Beat Level 5-7 | 50 | Fast |
Melon-pult | Lobs melons at zombies | Beat Level 5-8 | 300 | Normal |
Gatling Pea | Shoots four peas at a time | 250 Sun | 250 | Normal |
Twin Sunflower | Produces double sun | 150 Sun | 150 | Normal |
Gloom-shroom | Shoots fumes in all directions | 150 Sun | 150 | Normal |
Cattail | Shoots spikes at any lane | 225 Sun | 225 | Normal |
Winter Melon | Lobs chilling melons | 200 Sun | 500 | Normal |
Gold Magnet | Collects coins and diamonds | 50 Sun | 50 | Normal |
Spikerock | Damages zombies that walk over it | 125 Sun | 225 | Normal |
Cob Cannon | Shoots explosive corn cobs | 500 Sun | 500 | Very Slow |
Imitater | Transforms into other plants | Purchased | Varies | Normal |