Sun Shroom in PVZ Fusion

Sun Shroom.

In Plants vs Zombies Fusion Edition, unique hybrid plants bring new strategies to the game. One such plant is the Sun Shroom (阳光菇), which functions as an evolving Sun producer. Initially, it provides a small amount of Sun, but after a short growth period, it produces the regular amount of Sun needed to support a defense. The Sun Shroom offers a cost-effective alternative to Sunflowers, especially in early game setups.

Attribute Description
Name Sun Shroom (阳光菇)
Sun Production 15 Sun every 25 seconds initially, increasing to 25 Sun after maturation (takes 120 seconds)
Fusion Combination Puff Shroom + Sunflower
Description Starts by providing a small amount of Sun and eventually grows to produce a normal amount.

Sun Shroom Guide in PVZ Fusion

The Sun Shroom is a valuable plant for players who want a cost-effective way to generate Sun in the early stages of a level. When first planted, the Sun Shroom produces a reduced amount of Sun (15 Sun every 25 seconds). However, as it grows over the course of 120 seconds, it will eventually provide the same amount of Sun as a regular Sunflower (25 Sun every 25 seconds).

Its evolution mechanic allows players to invest in a cheaper plant initially, then benefit from the full production after a short time. This can be particularly helpful in levels where immediate Sun production is not as crucial, giving players more flexibility in building their defenses.

The description humorously describes the Sun Shroom as being shy and growing quietly in the shadows. It prefers to “offer its humble amount of Sun silently,” yet insists that “I am essential to the light, I am the keeper of all that is illuminated.” The Sun Shroom is dedicated to its growth and production, silently working its way to full Sun output.

Sun Shroom Tips & Tricks

  1. Early Game Advantage: The Sun Shroom is a great choice for the early game due to its low initial cost. Plant several Sun Shrooms to get an early boost to Sun production while saving resources for other defensive plants.
  2. Timing for Growth: Plan your defense around the Sun Shroom’s growth time. Since it takes 120 seconds to mature, it’s important to use other plants that can help hold off early waves while the Sun Shrooms evolve to full production.
  3. Mid to Late Game Transition: As the Sun Shrooms mature and produce more Sun, you can begin transitioning to more expensive or high-damage plants. The increase in Sun production will support more advanced strategies.
  4. Combine with Other Sun Producers: Use Sun Shrooms alongside Sunflowers or other Sun-producing plants to maximize Sun generation and ensure a steady resource flow throughout the level.
  5. Use in Combination Levels: In levels where you need to maintain both low-cost and high-cost plants, the Sun Shroom provides a balanced approach to manage resources effectively.
  6. Best Used in Defensive Setups: The Sun Shroom works well in defensive strategies where you can afford the time for it to mature. If you’re using offensive strategies that require immediate Sun, consider combining it with other Sun producers.

The Sun Shroom offers a strategic layer to PVZ Fusion, allowing players to plan their defenses with evolving Sun production. Its growth mechanics reward players who can manage the early game effectively, transitioning into stronger defenses as the Sun Shrooms mature.