Sunflower in PVZ Fusion


In Plants vs Zombies Fusion Edition, efficient resource management is crucial to building a successful defense. The game features a variety of plants, including those that help generate Sun, the in-game resource needed for planting more defenses. This post covers the Sunflower (向日葵), the primary plant for generating Sun, and provides strategies to maximize its usefulness.

Attribute Description
Name Sunflower (向日葵)
Sun Production 25 Sun every 25 seconds
Cost 50 Sun
Cooldown 7.5 seconds
Description “Sunflower produces extra Sun for you. It is an essential economic plant. Try planting as many as possible!”

Sunflower Guide in PVZ Fusion

The Sunflower (向日葵) remains an essential plant in PVZ Fusion due to its ability to generate extra Sun, which is required for planting other defensive plants. Producing 25 Sun every 25 seconds, it serves as the backbone of any economy-focused strategy. The description humorously mentions the Sunflower’s tendency to dance and sway in rhythm with the ground, hearing a beat that only Sunflowers can appreciate.

Given its role as a fundamental economic plant, placing Sunflowers strategically and ensuring they are well-protected is key to building a stable defense. In PVZ Fusion, Sunflowers maintain their classic function but can be used more dynamically when combined with other plants or placed in specific locations.

Sunflower Tips & Tricks

  1. Plant Early for a Strong Economy: Begin levels by planting Sunflowers as soon as possible to establish a steady flow of Sun. The sooner you can generate resources, the faster you’ll be able to place stronger plants.
  2. Protect with Defensive Plants: Since Sunflowers are crucial for generating Sun, place them behind defensive plants like Wall-nut or Tall-nut to keep them safe from zombies. This will ensure that your resource generation remains uninterrupted.
  3. Position in the Back Rows: Placing Sunflowers in the back row ensures they are farthest away from the zombies’ approach, reducing the risk of being eaten. This positioning also gives you time to place additional defenses.
  4. Combine with Sun-Producing Hybrids: In PVZ Fusion, some plants are hybrids that also produce Sun, such as Pea Sunflower. Use these in tandem with regular Sunflowers to boost your Sun production while still providing some offensive capabilities.
  5. Use Cherry Bombs and Instant Kills if Overwhelmed: If zombies break through your frontline and threaten your Sunflowers, consider using plants like Cherry Bomb or Squash to quickly eliminate the immediate threat.
  6. Replace Lost Sunflowers Quickly: If a Sunflower is eaten, replant it as soon as possible to avoid falling behind in resource generation. The cost of 50 Sun is easily recouped through their continued production.

The Sunflower continues to play a vital role in PVZ Fusion, maintaining its importance as a resource generator. Proper management and protection of Sunflowers will ensure a continuous flow of Sun, allowing players to build a strong defense and adapt to the increasing difficulty of zombie waves. Use these strategies to maximize the effectiveness of your Sunflowers and keep your lawn safe from the undead.