Gloom-Shroom in PVZ Fusion


The Gloom-Shroom is a powerful plant in PVZ Fusion, recognized for emitting dense clouds of smoke that inflict continuous damage on zombies. Its ability to penetrate enemy defenses makes it a valuable addition to any player’s arsenal, especially against tougher foes.

Feature Details
Damage 20 per shot, fires 4 shots every 1.9 seconds
Sun Cost 125
Cooldown 50 seconds

Gloom-Shroom Guide in PVZ Fusion

The Gloom-Shroom is particularly effective when dealing with large groups of zombies due to its area damage. It can be used in tight spaces to maximize its effectiveness, especially in levels where zombies approach in waves. Make sure to place it behind defensive plants to keep it protected.

Gloom-Shroom Tips & Tricks

  1. Positioning: Place Gloom-Shrooms in rows with the highest zombie traffic to make the most of its damage.
  2. Use in Combination: Pair with defensive plants like Wall-Nuts to keep the Gloom-Shroom safe from attacks.
  3. Area of Effect: Its smoke damage can hit multiple zombies, making it perfect for crowd control.

The Gloom-Shroom adds significant value to your defense strategy in PVZ Fusion, especially against tough enemies.